Mashup WIPs

Old Archived Mashups


Pushing Pixels,  Digital paint  &  Renders

Zombie Pikachu Halloween-WIP

Happy dressed up & get free candy Day!!!!

lol :o

These are trademarked and IP artworks I did. :)
So unless you want  a  Pikachu to zap and haunt you
or 株式会社ポケモン to do their legal thing..... 
Do Not Edit artwork, Re-post only with Full Credit(s) 

A fun mashup
lol :)

These are trademarked and IP artwork. 
So unless you want Netflix and Disney to do their legal thing..... 
Do Not Edit artwork, Re-post only with Full Credit(s) 
" the 2nd Mouse gets the Cheese.... "
Speedy Gonzales was not fast
he was just smart....
lol :o
These are trademarked and IP artwork. 
So unless you want Warner Brothers, Looney Tunes or
Merrie Melodies to do their legal thing..... 
Do Not Edit artwork, Re-post only with Full Credit(s) 

This is my personal motto...

(circa 2006)

These are trademarked and IP artwork.
So unless you want Disney to do their legal thing..... 
Do Not Edit artwork, Re-post only with Full Credit(s) 

"Dawn of the ISO"

Was my Screenplay and Previz for  Tron3

(circa 2011)

However, when Walt Disney Studios

finally started development on

a different version of  Tron3, 

my screenplay/previz became antiquated...

So to quote:

 Chief Bogo

" Life isn't some cartoon musical,

 where you sing a little song

 and all your insipid dreams

 magically come true. "

So I let it go...


These are trademarked and IP artwork.  

So unless you  want Disney to do their legal thing..... 

Do Not Edit artwork, Re-post only with Full Credit(s) 

ADHD late at night..., lol

Finishing up Two pieces of artwork-simultaneously:

Mecha artwork "Touch"

and using a Friend's pic to create an 'Alien/Monsterthrowing a punch 

 lol :)

(cira: 2014)

These are trademarked and IP artwork. 
Do Not Edit artwork, Re-post only with Full Credit(s)

 It was just a funny idea
that was stuck in my head
LOL  :o
These are trademarked and IP artwork.
So unless you want Disney/Simpsons/Marvel to do their legal thing..... 
Do Not Edit concept artwork, Re-post only with Full Credit(s) 

Whenever I go to   Disney, I wear Gryffindor T-shirts

 to as a  "Humility check"  for cast members.

So one day a  Disney Princess noticed my  Harry Potter  T-shirt and said,

 "No point for Gryffindor..." I was so impressed with her banter,

I made this T-shirt design.  LOL :)

These are trademarked and IP artwork. 
So unless you want Mrs Rowling Disney to do their legal thing....
Do Not Edit artwork, Re-post only with Full Credit(s)

We must all 


So here is 


lol :o

(cira: 2010)

These are trademarked and IP artwork. 
So unless you want Disney or Mr Sanders to do their legal thing..... 
Do Not Edit artwork, Re-post only with Full Credit(s) 
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