

This is not a Bio

 just  tidbits  of personal  Facts...

 ~ Like~

I was in the  United States  Military  twice, 

once during the "Gulf War"

and the second time during "911."

Happy Happy Joy Joy   :)

    Every Saturday I would take motivated friends to do a 2-4 mile ocean combat swim in La Jolla, CA,  followed by a 4-12 mile Mountain run in Ramona, CA, just for fun. :)  Happy Happy Joy Joy :)

For the record,


I finished the   Second Grade   in Lake Placid, Florida,

I could already   understand   and   converse

in more than   Five   different   languages,



Taal -   Dutch,

Sprache -   German,

Idioma -   Spanish,

la Langue -   French,

with my childhood peers

and adults


Happy Happy   Joy Joy   :)   

2nd grade in Lake Placid, Florida,

 getting a Rocket ready to launch(1980)



as I got older,

I learned other languages like

 Russian, Japanese, Arabic, ...

and modern languages like

 HTML, Python, Java, Code Injections,

blah, blah, blah...

 lol :o


Happy Happy Joy Joy


FW Hendriks - in Mechanical Engineering class, Alexandria, Virginia.


before, during, and after my Military service

I was cross-trained in different Medical disciplines.

Working with monkeys. And "Yes", I just look young, was 25-27 in these pics. lol   :) 

     I was trained in Emergency Room/Surgery procedures, Trauma, Dive Medicine/Hyperbarics, Radiology, Laboratory techniques, Diagnostic work, Field Surgery, Anesthetization, Pharmaceuticals, Necropsies, Technician work, Veterinary techniques, Culture & Sensitive testing, Quarantine and BioHazard procedures,  Medical research and analysis, blah, blah, blah ...


This training took place while in the Military, Hospitals, Labs, Medical facilities, Research facilities, etc., working on sick, diseased, pathogenic, quarantined, or Zoonotical disease animals- animals- such as primates ( Monkeys & Apes), birds, reptiles, bats, livestock, rodents, lab, research animals...,

 wink, wink, nudge, nudge, blah, blah, blah.

Life is too short

to just do one thing.


So I always tried

to do everything I wanted,

and learn everything by myself

so I would not end up with regrets

from the fear of not trying something new.


No fear = no regrets


is relative to your ability

to understand or comprehend it ”

FW Hendriks (me) at US Military Weapons Ordinance Technical School

I innately memorize

"Data Sets"

which is a form of data analysis,

which I have been doing since I was a child.


I habitually research to find or discover all those

 missing, hidden, omitted, censored, convoluted anomalies, and variables,

which inevitably help me solve equation(s),

answer question(s) to "why,"

and to balance equations or quantize quantitative

 "Data Sets.

Because only correct data and facts will allow me

 to construct algorithms, probabilities, calculate causalities

and drive advancements and innovations forward.


All of which

apparently makes me

" Uniquely Unorthodoxly Paradoxical "

  Clear as mud???

Lol :)

I was trained in Hypobaric and Dive Medicine, and as a Divemaster, Rescue Diver, and Dive Instructor, while in the Military & Civilian world.

" You fear,  what you don't understand"



  I learned nothing

 from  an exercise or experience,

 if it was Easy, or just Given to me.

So I would always end up

just doing things my way...

the hard  or   challenging way;

which stimulates my brain into

thinking for myself. . .

This is the way . ..  "

“ The Mandalorian ” Disney/Starwars

Follow the white rabbit...

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