Tuberculosis (TB) 1ba


but the Same

The Difference
Tuberculosis (TB)
is about ~ 5 microns in size,
which means it is 50 times BIGGER 
than COVID-19

is only ~ 0.1  micron in size,
which means is 50 times SMALLER 
 than Tuberculosis (TB)

The Same
COVID-19 and Tuberculosis (TB)  
are both
 "airborne diseases" *
 "float in the air
and are spread
 "person to person",
coughs, sneezes, shouting, singing, talking or breaths

Anyone from 0 - 100+ years of age
can/will get infected
and most people (90%) are Asymptomatic **
(have NO symptoms)
 can "accidently" and "unintentionally
spread and infect their diseases to others***

COVID-19 and  Tuberculosis
are both preventable
by simply wearing a mask and "properly"
will prevent you from inhaling or spreading 
"airborne pathogens"
to others

It's not rocket science,
it's just that simple.

Knowledge is power
Wear a Mask

This is the way...

*96% airborne transmission -CDC, WHO, Bioinfomatics Assessment, Zoonotic disease fact 
**80/90%  infected proplr do NOT have symptoms, don not feel sick, do not have a high temperature and can spread the disease to other
*** when not wearing a mask
Bioinfomatics Assessments, similarities, findings January/March 2020 for COVID-19, by FWH

Knowledge is power
Tuberculosis and COVID-19
are "Airborne Pathogens"
diseases which are transmitted
"Person to Person"
Simply wearing a mask properly,
prevents You from inhaling
 Tuberculosis or COVID-19 
into your lungs, allowing them
to replicate in YOU and spread to others.

If you do become infected with
Tuberculosis or COVID-19
the majority of people infected are either
  Asymptomatic or Pre-symptomatic
So simply wearing a mask
will prevents spreading it other people.

 Tuberculosis and COVID-19 
DIE alone, 
if they can NOT get in to you
 to replicate and spread to others.

If we all wore masks
used social distancinghygiene, 
and were told how weak
 and easy it is to kill COVID-19, 
starting back in April 2020,
Covid-19 would be History...

Just like we did with SARS in 2003

Knowledge is power

"This is the way..."
“The Mandalorian” Disney/Starwars

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