Is there anything you should know??? 

How does CoViD-19(2019-2020) 
Kill your sense of smell?

 You are allowed to share, download this image, facts, and links on this website about COVID-19/SARS-Cov-2, to help share knowledge about SARS-COV-2/COVID-19, but please give credit to or all those links & associated content links/images. 



causes   Vasculitis  

which is inflammation 

of the small arteries and veins

throughout your   body.



 is a

" subclinical virus "

which means that over


 of people

 infected with COVID-19

will feel fine, normal, or have minor issues

 which is called " Asymptomatic "

but they are actively infecting the people around them.


Everyone infected with Covid

will have some degrees of Vasculitis 

( either acute/short or chronic/long lasting ).


COVID-19 causes:

Cerebral _vasculitis

Cutaneous Vasculitis

Cardiovascular disease

Venous Thromboembolism

Erectile Dysfunction

CNS Vasculitis 


and of course


"Long Haulers disease"


How Vaccines actually work :)

 You are allowed to share, download this image, facts, and links on this website about COVID-19/SARS-Cov-2, to help share knowledge about SARS-COV-2/COVID-19, but please give credit to or all those links & associated content links/images. 



 Moderna   or Pfizer

are filled with

enzymes (proteins)

that tell your B-Cells 

how to make Billions and Billions

 of long-lasting antibodies

 ( immunoglobulin -IgG )



 float in your

 blood and bodily fluids

to collide and attach to Covid-19



preventing COVID-19   from reproducing in You

and spreading and infecting other people.

~ ~

It   really is that simple.


Did you know that...

So drink lots of fluids during the day,

to help you from getting sick or infected.

And now you know.  :)

CoViD-19 aerosolization test

September of 2020

      I did this aerosolization test in August 2020, using 15 micron* and 50 micron engineered Laser Reflective Particles.  The 50 micron size particle did drop quickly, but the 15 micron particles stayed suspended for over 12 hours+.   *Covid-19 is only 0.1 micron (about 150x smaller) than the particles I used in the test.

So drink lots of fluids during the day,

to help you from getting sick or infected.

And now you know.  :)

SARS-CoV-2 Infographic PDF
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also can causes:


 Olfaction - Loss of smell


 COVID-19 damages  

(acute or chronically) your

Respiratory, Enteric (ENS), and Hepatic   system



 COVID-19 damages  your ENS

Enteric Nervous System


 Causes Kidney Damage


 Causes Hepatic (liver) Damage


Causes Gastrointestinal disease 

(diarrhea and nausea)

 Causes Heart Damage


 Causes Encephalitis


Causes Blood clotting disorders


 Causes Strokes 


Causes Seizures


Causes acute cerebrovascular diseases 

and impaired consciousness


Causes brain inflammation


Causes neurodegenerative diseases


 Causes Guillain–Barré syndrome 

a neurological disorder from COVID-19


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